The first half of 2009 is already behind us and, as predicted, it has not been easy for the business community including the security industry. Unfortunately, indications are that we are in this recession for the long haul. The ISIA will continue to support and advise our members and do all we can to make life easier.
Cutting Costs
Costs are one of the biggest factors which all businesses are dealing with at the moment and everyone is looking for ways to reduce costs where possible. In the ISIA, we recognise this and have developed a range of Business Affiliate relationships which are delivering substantial costs savings to members. Two member companies saved €3500 and €10,000 respectively on the cost of their death in service insurance through the discounted scheme we have negotiated with Insure.ie.
Additionally, another member company knocked 50% of the cost of his fleet insurance, again through Insure.ie. These are substantial savings and I would encourage all members to look at what our business affiliate members can offer.
Additionally, if businesses are looking at reducing costs through restructuring or downsizing, we have two business affiliates, Peninsula Business Services and Clarigen, who are experts in this field and can provide professional advice in these areas.
Guarding division
The big focus for the guarding division at the moment is the negotiations on the next ERO. Alan Durnan, the chairman of the guarding division, has held meetings with members in Cork and Portlaoise during which the ERO was discussed. Alan and our JLC Committee now have a clear indication as to what our members are hoping for from the next ERO.
The Cash-in-transit division met with the Private Security Authority recently with a view to finalising the outstanding issues surrounding licensing of this sector. A further meeting is planned shortly.
Unlicensed operators
There would appear to be a growing disquiet among the security industry with regard to the PSA, in particular on the issue of enforcement and unlicensed operators. As margins are squeezed even further by clients, it would seem that legitimate security providers feel that they can no longer tolerate unlicensed operators under-cutting them and unlawfully taking business from them.
The ISIA conducted a survey in 2007 on the whole issue of licensing which indicated that while 98 per cent of the industry felt that regulation was a positive step, 80 per cent felt that there were still unlicensed operators trading in the industry and 74 per cent felt that not enough was being done to enforce and police unlicensed operators.